Happy holidays from Help Scout!
As you enjoy some downtime on grandma's couch and search for something fun and interesting to read ... might we suggest some of our greatest hits from 2019?
Happy New Year, and happy reading! We'll see you in 2020!
The Value of Taking a Sabbatical
A sabbatical isn't just good for the person taking time away from work; it's good for the whole company.
How to Communicate Ideas Effectively
A framework for understanding where others are coming from, and how to make yourself understood.
How to Support Working Parents
Work and family can coexist, and it starts with the workplace making a conscious choice to care for parents.
The Value of Face Time in a Remote Company
All async, all the time, is bad for business. Here's when it's best to hop on a video call (or an airplane).
13 Productivity Hacks to Maximize Your Time
The Help Scout team rounded up 13 of our best tips for working efficiently and maximizing our time.
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